大家好!我是来自 五(6)中队的×××。此时此刻,当上升旗手的我,倍感荣幸。升旗手是一种荣耀,它不仅代表着国旗下庄严的这一刻,同时也是对于我不断进步的嘉奖。我是一个乐于助人的男孩,当同学咬着笔头不会解题时,我主动探过身去拿着我的作业本教他解题方法;当身边的人因为种种原因不快乐时,我笑着的一句话“没什么大不了”能让大家笑容重现。
Hello everyone! I am ××× from Class 5(6). I am deeply honored to be the flag raiser today. Being a flag raiser is not only a moment of solemnity under the national flag but also a reward for my continuous progress. I am a helpful boy; when classmates are stuck on a problem, I am always ready to lend a hand and explain the solution. My hobbies include helping others and spreading positivity. I am excited and proud to hold this position, and I will strive to fulfill my duties with excellence.