

1. "钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。" ——De Beers

2. "学琴的孩子不会变坏。" ——某教育机构

3. "车道山前必有路,有路必有丰田车!" ——丰田汽车

4. "鹤舞白沙,我心飞翔。" ——某烟草品牌

5. "一品黄山天高云淡。" ——黄山香烟

6. "山高人为峰。" ——耐克

7. "天高几许问真龙。" ——某茶叶品牌

8. "白天吃白片不瞌睡,晚上吃黑片睡得香!" ——某药品品牌

9. "农夫山泉有点甜!" ——农夫山泉

10. "怕上火,喝王老吉!" ——王老吉凉茶

11. "Time is what you make of it." ——Swatch

12. "Make yourself heard." ——Ericsson

13. "Engineered to move the human spirit." ——Mercedes-Benz

14. "Start Ahead." ——Rejoice

15. "Fresh-up with Seven-up." ——Seven-up

16. "Intel Inside." ——Intel Pentium

17. "Connecting People." ——Nokia

18. "For the Road Ahead." ——Honda

19. "Let us make things better." ——Philips

20. "Enjoy Coca-Cola." ——Coca-Cola

21. "Generation Next." ——Pepsi

22. "The Relentless Pursuit of Perfection." ——Lexus

23. "Communication unlimited." ——Motorola

24. "Feast your eyes." ——Pond’s Cucumber Eye Treatment

25. "Focus on life." ——Olympus

26. "Behind that healthy smile, there’s a Crest kid." ——Crest toothpaste

27. "Good to the last drop." ——Maxwell House Coffee

28. "Obey your thirst." ——Sprite

29. "The new digital era." ——Sony Discman

30. "We lead, others copy." ——Ricoh复印机

31. "Impossible made possible." ——Canon打印机

32. "Take time to indulge." ——Nestlé Ice Cream

33. "Poetry in motion, dancing close to me." ——Toyota汽车

34. "Come to where the flavour is. Marlboro country." ——万宝路香烟

35. "Just do it." ——Nike运动鞋

36. "Ask for more." ——Pepsi流行鞋

37. "The taste is great." ——Nestlé咖啡

38. "Feel the new space." ——Samsung电子

39. "I intelligence everywhere." ——Motorola手机

40. "The choice of a new generation." ——Pepsi

41. "We integrate, you communicate." ——Mitsubishi电工

42. "Take Toshiba, take the world." ——Toshiba电子


