


1. 慧空禅院 Huì kōng Chán yuàn [Huikong Temple] 褒禅山寺名 今所谓慧空禅院者。—— 宋·王安石《游褒禅山记》

2. 慧黠 huìxiá [intelligent and crafty] 聪慧而狡猾 [淑妃]慧黠,能弹琵琶,工歌舞。——《北史·冯淑妃传》

3. 慧心 huì xīn [wisdom;enlightened mind] 佛教指能感悟至理的心智,今泛指聪慧之心。

4. 慧眼 huì yǎn (1) [a mind which perceives both past and future]∶佛教用语。为五眼之一。指上乘的智慧之眼,能够看到过去和未来。 (2) [insight;acumen;mental perception;mental discernment]:今泛指锐敏的眼力。

5. 慧眼独具 huìyǎn-dújù [outsee] 在眼力或洞察力方面有独到之处

6. 慧根 huì gēn [Buddhist term for the innate capacity for wisdom] 佛教中多指信入佛法的根机

7. 慧悟 huì wù [enlightenment] 聪明颖悟

8. 慧剑 [wisdom sword] 谓能斩断一切烦恼的智慧,出自《维摩经·菩萨行品》

9. 慧目 [wise eyes] 原是佛教用语,指能见过去和未来的眼力,今泛指敏锐的眼力

10. 慧性 [nature of wisdom] 佛教谓智慧之性,今多指聪明气质、聪慧气质

11. 慧寂 [Buddhist term for wisdom and meditation] 佛教谓智慧和禅定

12. 慧业 [Buddhist term for the karma of wisdom] 指智慧的业缘

13. 慧光 [Buddhist term for the light of wisdom] 智慧的光,能了彻一切

14. 慧雨 [Buddhist term for the rain of wisdom] 比喻智慧如雨滋润众生

15. 慧质 [Buddhist term for the quality of wisdom] 智慧的品质

16. 慧日 [Buddhist term for the sun of wisdom] 智慧的太阳

17. 慧海 [Buddhist term for the sea of wisdom] 智慧的海洋

18. 慧命 [Buddhist term for the life of wisdom] 智慧的生命

19. 慧月 [Buddhist term for the moon of wisdom] 智慧的月亮

20. 慧秀 [Buddhist term for the beauty of wisdom] 智慧的美丽

21. 慧照 [Buddhist term for the illumination of wisdom] 智慧的照耀

22. 慧质 [Buddhist term for the quality of wisdom] 智慧的品质

23. 慧日 [Buddhist term for the sun of wisdom] 智慧的太阳

24. 慧海 [Buddhist term for the sea of wisdom] 智慧的海洋

25. 慧命 [Buddhist term for the life of wisdom] 智慧的生命

26. 慧月 [Buddhist term for the moon of wisdom] 智慧的月亮

27. 慧秀 [Buddhist term for the beauty of wisdom] 智慧的美丽

28. 慧悟 [Buddhist term for enlightenment] 聪明颖悟

29. 慧心巧思 [wise heart and clever thoughts]

30. 独具慧眼 [unique wise eyes]

31. 齿牙馀慧 [a little wisdom from one's teeth and gums]

32. 无上正等正觉 [the highest and most perfect enlightenment]


